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Coven Rankings

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Coven Rankings Empty Coven Rankings

Post by Stein Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:42 pm

-If a rank is marked with a * it means only a certain amount of people can be that rank at one time.

-----Royal Rankings------ (These ranks are earned)

*(1/2)Coven King and Queen- The two main overseers of the Coven, (usually)beloveds to one another(Rare cases may occur where a trusted member is chosen as a King/Queen)

*(0/2)Sheriffs of the Coven- The 2nd in commands, do not have to be beloveds to one another

*(0/2)Decimaters of the Coven- The 3rd in commands, do not have to be beloveds to one another

*(0/3)The Cabera- Advisers for the King/Queen, giving them their thoughts on decisions for the Coven

-----Noble Rankings----- (These ranks are earned)

*(0/2)Heres Punisher- The Punisher trainers

*(0/4)Heres Fanger- The Fanger trainers

*(0/2)Heres Voxidor- The Voxidor trainers

-----Respected Ranks----- (These ranks are earned)

(Unlimited)Punisher II- Punishers that have received lots of training time with one of the Punisher trainers or have been deemed worthy of this rank by the King/Queen

(Unlimited)Fanger II- Fangers that have received lots of training time with one of the Fanger trainers or have been deemed worthy of this rank by the King/Queen

(Unlimited)Voxidor II- Voxidors that have received lots of training time with one of the Voxidor trainers or have been deemed worthy of this rank by the King/Queen

-----Commoners Ranks----- (Starting ranks)

(Unlimited)Punisher- Punishers are in charge of carrying out a punishment given to someone by a high rank

(Unlimited)Fanger- Fangers are the first line of fighters for the coven

(Unlimited)Voxidor- Voxidors perform experiments on the prisoners

(Unlimited)Persistanti- Apprentices, or young Vampires in training or waiting to train

-----Lower Ranks-----

(Unlimited)Newborns- Newborns are the offspring of two vampires

-----Scum Ranks-----

(Unlimited)Prisoner- Usually Humans or Werewolves, even other Vampires, that have committed crimes or wrongful acts against the Coven are taken as prisoner. Experiments can also be performed on Prisoners.

Posts : 13
Join date : 2015-03-22
Location : You don't know.


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